ARTICLES:31 - 40
A Poem Written for Christmas and New Year
I hope you enjoy this poem that I wrote for you, this Christmas and New Year
For You This Christmas….
To Tell and How to Tell (About an Affair)
One of the most challenging and sometimes frightening of all questions surrounding the topic of infidelity is whether the spouse who is having an affair should tell their partner what has happened. Indeed people agonize over this question in fear of the future and the potential outcome for a separation...
The Role of the Brain in a Revolutionary Theory of Why People Have Affairs
A question frequently asked by people who have been hurt by their partner’s affair is, how could this have happened and/or how could you have done this to me? I don’t even know you anymore...
8 Ways to Improve Your Relationship and Your Life
Our life is filled with challenges and each day with the help of radio, tv, newspapers and the internet we learn more and more about what seems to be the dark side of life. Here is a list of things that relate to relationships. Each one will help make the world a better and more civilized place for us all...
An Option to Separation
Infidelity are common in our society yet the options of how to respond to it remains limited. The legal process has mostly been the only response up until now and most have been taught to believe that the only response to infidelity is to separate. I am pleased to announce that it is proven that the legal process is not the only response and another option is available for you to consider.
You Are Responsible for Your Happiness
I have read from other peoples’ works things like “don’t depend on others for your happiness”, and “our complaints about other people are a reflection of disappointments about ourself.”
Should I Tell My Partner That I Cheated?
Affairs are based on dishonesty and if you are going to rebuild your relationship with your committed partner I advise you to rebuild your relationship on a foundation of honesty. That means you should tell your partner about your secret life. In my view, if you don’t share that information about your secret, or hidden past you are simply continuing the lie...
Thinking About Telling Your Spouse/Partner About Your Affair? Read This First
You’ve been cheating on your spouse and you don’t know what to do?
Infidelity is Not a Journey You Should Travel Alone
Infidelity is one of the most challenging of life’s experiences that one can have within the context of a committed relationship. For most, infidelity is traumatic and you may find that you experience emotions such as confusion, anger, rejection and abandonment...