An Option to Separation
Infidelity are common in our society yet the options of how to respond to it remains limited. The legal process has mostly been the only response up until now and most have been taught to believe that the only response to infidelity is to separate. I am pleased to announce that it is proven that the legal process is not the only response and another option is available for you to consider.
Infidelity no longer has to mean the end of relationships and some high conflict situations can be avoided with careful guidance and commitment on the part of both the individuals involved and the clinician. Clinical practitioners and authors like Janis Abrahms-Spring,Ph.D., Emily Brown, MSW and Dr. Douglas K. Snyder and more have illustrated time and time again that people can recover from infidelity and intimate bonds can survive the trauma. I have replicated these results in my practice and couples have successfully overcome the intense turmoil that infidelity causes.
In my opinion the “legal option” does not provide a long-term solution.
– David Feder
There will be some who will not be able to stay together post disclosure of infidelity, but counseling plays an important role here too. Affair counseling helps to explain the conditions that were present during the committed relationship that enabled the affair to happen. And for those who are able to stay together, affair counseling helps individuals understand why the affair happened, take appropriate responsibility, express remorse for the betrayal and rejection that was caused, resolve issues (including self-esteem), rebuild trust and eventually re-commit to one another. As a result affair counseling helps reduce the risk that infidelity will re-occur in the relationship.
There is no guarantee that a couple will be able to survive the trauma of infidelity and remain intact and it is acknowledged that a certain percentage of relationships will end because of it. But affair counseling gives each partner the opportunity to make an informed decision about their future, as well as an opportunity to heal.