Which Pair of Glasses Are You Wearing?

When all of our time is spent looking for what is wrong, it prevents us from seeing that which is right.  It is humanly impossible to do both at the same time.

David Feder, 2013

More and more each day I am convinced that we live in a state of imperfection and that the forces in society are determined to prove that this is true.  We listen to the news and it is dominated by news that highlights the worst of what man is capable of.  Our bookshelves are filled with self-help books that remind us our self-esteem is too low, our parenting practices are poor and our relationships are unsatisfying.  We are told of different ways to make more money, how to make ends meet and how to get more things.  After all, don’t we all need the newest I-phone or Android product?  In other words, what we have is never enough and we are all naturally imperfect.  But, is this true?

As children we are given the message that we need to do better, our marks are not high enough and that whether we will succeed in life is unclear.  In today’s world students are told it is virtually impossible to get accepted to university thereby reinforcing the message, you are imperfect and not as good as the other.

How much time do you spend thinking that you are great just the way you are?  Or that you live in a beautiful world and you should be grateful for the people you know and for what you have in your life?  I’m sure you think of these things from time to time but, do you spend more time thinking about what is imperfect in your life?

Just yesterday I was reminded of this message.  Yesterday my son and daughter-in-law began a trip that will quite possibly be the trip of their lifetime.  They will be away for about one year and they will travel to such places as New Zealand, Australia, Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Europe and possibly Africa before returning to Toronto.

The more positive minded people amongst will think, “that’s fantastic.  How lucky they are to be able to do that”.  While others who are more negative in the way they think will react with fear about their physical safety, financial security and general state of well-being.  The world is such a dangerous place that they would be better off staying at home.  Haven’t they heard of an all inclusive 5-star resort?”

If you are thinking about how fantastic their trip is going to be you will not have safety on your mind.  Instead your mind will be filled with images of exotic landscapes, enchanting scenery and exposure to fascinating and illuminating cultures.  However if you are thinking about safety you will experience various degrees of anxiety and worry and that is all.  You cannot do both.  Which images are more comforting?

The message here is also true of life.  When we choose to focus on what is wrong in our life, of the imperfections of our life, we readily lose the opportunity to notice what is right and good in our life.  If we live in fear of not having enough we dedicate our lives to calm that fear and in the process lose the opportunity to live life in fullness and completeness.

Ask yourself how you look at life?  What is your starting point and philosophy?  Do you look for the good in life, or do you subscribe to the belief that life is imperfect and so are you?  You cannot do both!  One is life giving while the other life taking.

I once heard someone speak about perspective.  He told us that every one of us has two pairs of glasses on our bedside table, one is the “life sucks” pair of glasses while the other is “life is wonderful” pair of glasses.  Each morning when we awaken we get to choose which pair of glasses we will put on our face and depending on the choice we make that will determine the quality of that day.

A simple way of stating an important lesson.  I am convinced of the importance and value of being able to see the good in yourself and of believing in the good of others.  Being grateful for who you are, what you have and who you have in your life is invaluable and reaps the highest dividend you could ever get.  Avoid the trap of looking for what is wrong or imperfect in your world and instead look for what is right and good.  If you do your life will be happier and more fulfilling.  If you do, the world will be a much better place for us all.

By the way, which pair of glasses are you wearing today?

Nov 28, 2013