Are You Happy with What You Did Today?

What did you do with your day today?  When you look back at the past 24 hours, are you satisfied with what you did?  Are you proud of how you spent your time?  Will you do the same as you did today, tomorrow?  And if you did, how would you feel about yourself for doing it?

Would you feel proud of yourself, or would you feel guilt?  Would you feel contentment, or would you feel shame?  Finally, if this turned out to be the last 24 hours you got to spend on this earth, is what you did today how you would choose to spend your last day on this planet?

It’s 7:25pm on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 am and I am asking myself, “am I happy with what I did today?”  From that other questions popped up including, did I do anything worthwhile, did I spend my time wisely, was I selfish today, or did I do something that was of benefit to another?  In short, did I do anything of value today?

The majority of us live each day believing that we have all the time in the world, but this is simply untrue.  One day we must all come to the realization that none of us are immortal and yes, our days are numbered.

I have grown to believe that I have a responsibility to every person I meet because each meeting is both special as well as a gift.   I realize that every living thing is precious and deserving of our honour and respect.  I made a vow to myself that whoever it is that I am fortunate enough to meet, it is my responsibility to ensure that when our time together ends that I did everything within my power to make sure that that person feels better about them self than they did before we met.

Now, I admit that I don’t always meet this goal but when I do I can say that I am truly happy with how I spent my day!  How about you, are you happy with what you did today?

Nov 27, 2013