Focus... a word with amazing potential!

FOCUS… a word with amazing potential!

“Focus”… a simple, five letter word that is powerful. When we have it, I believe we can achieve, accomplish, produce and make contribution toward creating a better, more advanced world both singularly or in unison with others. When we lose focus, we become destructive and vulnerable to endless numbers of distractions, negative thoughts and disturbing influences.

And it really doesn’t matter what we are talking about. When we lose focus and fail to concentrate on things that bring meaning to our life, we become lost and our thinking becomes scattered. In that state we are most likely to do things that hurt others and are most prone to do things that we may later regret, whatever it may be.

Too many of us either live with regret about the past and fear about the future. Instead it is good practice to live in the present moment. It is important to take a personal inventory each day of the people you consider to be most important to you. Who you could not live without? What that person means to you? What goodness they bring to your life? How they add to the quality of your life? How committed they are to you? Do this for each person in your life who you consider special. Take no one for granted because if they are important to you, it is probably because they have either expressed or shown a commitment to you in some way at some point in time.

And when you’re finished doing that, take another few moments to think about what brings peace to your life, the things that simplify life and don’t complicate it. Focus on all the things and items that exist in your life that bring you feelings of enjoyment. Breath in the good, warm feelings they create in your life, body and mind and focus on what you have to do to keep them in your life. Take note of these people and things and focus….concentrate on what you must do to keep them in your life. This will become your “guide” to more focused and conscious living each day.

When we are focused, we are powerful. When we lose focus we become weak and vulnerable just like our body becomes susceptible to illness when we are in a weakened state.

Whether you are in a relationship, have a family, or you are going through the experience of life on your own, you have the responsibility to be the best you can be each day. This depends on your emotional state or if you believe in energy, the frequency you are resonating at on any given day, or moment in the day. Creating a steady routine of ensuring you get enough sleep, that you are eating properly by avoiding fast foods, getting regular exercise and enjoying the beauties of nature are ideas you may wish to consider so you can improve your emotional state and create balance in your life.

My wife and I just returned from Victoria, British Columbia and Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada spending a day in Lake Louise. Magnificent scenery, the majestic Rocky Mountains, glacier lakes and an endless array of breathtaking moments. Looking all around, I took a moment to wonder about what it took to create such an inspiring and beautiful landscape of creation. Then it came to me. The focus of nature. The power of amazing forces all concentrated and focused in a cascade of energies all determined to create one thing, the magnificent Rocky Mountains.

It was this trip that reminded me of the importance of focus and inspired me to write this article. Each of us has power, endless power and energy. And if we take a few minutes at the beginning of each day to focus on what brings meaning to your life, each of us on a smaller scale has the capacity to produce extraordinary things for our self, for those we care about and love and for the greater community.

Take a moment. It will add abundance to your life!

Mar 13, 2013